What's A Snooker?

Days later I happened upon the blue haired slave again. She was bathing herself in the frigid stream water. The same stream I often lead my kaiila to after a long day's ride on the vast open plains.
Necessity lifted his snout and spewed water in several directions before backing away a single step, as if wary of intrusions before dipping his massive head back down for more loud slurps. He was not so much skittish as he was simply staking out his territory at the water's edge. And no one else better dare to drink while he drank! I however, merely tightened my grip on the reign, yet otherwise remained distracted with watching the blue haired slave tug a leather vest back onto her wet self. And while I was distracted with watching her, Necessity suddenly shot off in pursuit of something. Naturally with me aboard his saddle!
Necessity reared up suddenly and tore around the grassy embankment several zig-zagged turns. Almost as if he were chasing something... small and invisible on the ground. His claws dug down sharply with each turn before he doubled back and took a flying leap right over the blue-haired woman, landing on the opposite side with a crash.
Whatever it was he'd been chasing, he caught it within moments and reared upright again as the pained squeal of something small pierced the silence in the half ehn before Necessity had tossed it to the air and caught it with a snap of powerful jaws.
"Oh no!! Snooker!!!"
Accustomed to my kaiila's spur-of-the-moment antics since... forever... I glanced back at the woman once she rose to her feet and sprinted toward me. "What's a snooker?"
"Master! The Mistress T'zuri's pet! A frevet!" She looked... seriously distraught. "Master please! Please make him put it down!" But then relented for some odd reason as she looked down, "Maybe... maybe...it was another frevet?"
Hell, I hoped so too. I had not even seen the thing, it had all happened so fast! But as I leaned down against the beast's long neck and gave his snout a rather rough few pats, no coughing it loose.. Whatever he'd eaten was devoured in a single bite. Gone. Kaput.
"Well... how can we find out if it was hers?" I had a sneaking hunch though, I was about to strike out before I ever even got up to bat!