The Visitor

About a week later I had a vistor come seeking me at my own wagons. Calling out my name even. Rising from the other side of where Paenuria had blocked me while I sat on a small stool and milked her, I peered straight at some fellow I'd never seen before. It wasn't Kurt. Not even a Kassar at all.
"I am Kazhuye." Reaching down, I lifted the tin bucket while kicking the small stool out of my way. The fellow followed me to my wagon's steps and seated himself. I shared a bota of paga with him. I might have shared a handful of dirt as well... but I didn't sense that was why he'd come.
He never offered his name, but made a strange offer to me. Stranger the more I think on it. Essentially telling me that the Singer was mine. All I had to do was reach out and take her. Not even the Ubar would stand in my way, he said... more or less.
That's easier said than done. The last time I saw her... well... let's just say we parted on amicable terms. She loves another fellow. I've suspected it might be that Leather Worker Saresh, but I suppose in the end it doesn't matter who he is or not.
"How long do you need?" He asked me, regarding the length of time I felt it would take me to win the Singer's heart.
I cannot amend what has been done. Not unless by some stroke of luck I can find her lost pet. Deep down though, I am fairly certain Necessity ate him. "I imagine as long as it takes to find a frevet." I've since learned that they don't even exist in this part of the world.
The visitor finally left. Left me to ponder... what sort of coup he'd had planned. It all seemed rather
on the sly. Strange bargains made without the woman's guardian being in on it all. Made me think... perhaps the Ubar was in danger.