
I met a woman last night who came to visit one of the older women who lives nearby. She introduced herself as a Singer... and even treated those who were still out and about with a song. I had to kick Cornwall awake though when she finished... so the man would give her the proper accolades. Which he did. And then he fell over sideways again, dead to the world. The man likes to drink a bit.
"Ina Krimsonhwk," she said at last, introducing herself as she crouched down by me. Though she seemed rather interested in my kaiila. Who was way over there... gnawing on the iron chains that kept him bound.
She pulled out some kinda treat and made gesture to go and feed it to him, though I cautioned her not to. Necessity gets cantankerous all of a sudden for no reason... he was liable to bite the woman. And I... think... maybe I ought to watch him a bit more closely from now on.
I sometimes wonder what he'd do without me, as I have no son to pass him on to.
But Ina didn't seem to mind, as she handed me the treat instead. I looked at it for a few moments before licking it. Just once. It tasted sweet.
After awhile, the woman got up to go and I waved to her. I wonder who she is.