What A Woman Wants

"Our actions usually run on a more emotional base of thought, which doesn't always include logic. It makes us vulnerable and soft. Exploitable. Which might be hard for a man to understand because you are the opposite."
"Well how do they think?" So a crash course in the subtleties of Venus, to make up for a lifetime of having completely shunned women. Well... excepting my she-bosk Paenuria, of course. I don't mind her in the least. There were a few women though, who had a yap on them a mile wide... and nagging voices to boot. Two of which I did my level best to avoid. And the last one to make verr's eyes at me, suddenly snubbed me and took off lickety split... that sleen trainer, Arigh.
"I don't think I can tell you correctly how a free woman thinks, Master. I have never been one, and I can't really understand where they come from." The blue haired slave woman was honest.
I had been blowing steam tendrils over the side of my bowl, listening as the blue haired woman spoke. I took another lengthy drink from the rim with a slight wince, for the paga was still at a scalding temperature... though it had cooled a wee bit. "But you are a woman. You must know what women think."
"I am a woman, yes Master, but I am wholly woman. Would you want the mother of your child, your son, to think the same way that the slave you just brutally used and abused thought?" She seemed amused by this, but with a glance around I suddenly had to wonder if everyone knew... knew that I'd recently done what I'd done to Cornwall's girl. The belled kajira. The very one he'd been hiding from Lumina for quite a few years!