Following the story I told... which was a rare thing in and of itself as Singers tend to be the storytellers that entertain Tuchuks round their campfires... Sakmeta had come around to talk to me. I think. Actually she'd been there all along and had not stopped chattering the entire time the story was being told. Cornwall had tossed a stone at her a few times, as he is fond of throwing rocks. But that Bead Maker is not much phased, even when hit in the head.I had taken off with Necessity on a run, and not returned for nearly four hands. I lose track of time when I am out on the wide open plains; beneath the great big sky. I lose track and the time seems to fly away.

When I did finally come home, it was T'zuri I passed by along the stream. Out alone past dark by herself. Again! Had I not warned her last time over a month ago about being out at night by herself away from the protection of the Tuchuk wagons? Kurt the Kassar is not the only predator on the Turian Plains.
"Now do you mean.. do I get my way, these days? I live with two women older than I. My mother and an elder. That should tell you all you need to know to answer your question nicely. You are not irate with me, are you? I just .. needed to.. something. Away. Away from all the people oggling me."
"No, I'm not irate." It takes a nagging shrill voice with an obstinate attitude to make me irate. I circled Necessity around and around her without relenting. Not much differently than I and several other outriders might circle a stray sleen among the bosk herds, boxing it in before killing it.
"But it is dangerous for a little girl to be alone in the dark, far away from the wagons." The emphasis upon 'little girl,' it is my way of keeping her at bay... lest I fall into one of her traps and become a blubbering fool again. She has this way of fingering the little ring in her nose whenever I call her a little girl. I looked away when she did it, because I knew what she was trying to imply!
Now on the one hand I could have punched my kaiila in the snout many a time for interrupting at a pivotal wrong moment... and yet again, sometimes I could hug him for the same exact reason. Man's best friend! It has a certain ring to it, doesn't it? It was right about then that T'zuri took off running the opposite direction... right when I had looked away. And before I could get ahold of the reign, Necessity took off like the dart sprung from a tightly wound bow, chasing after her. I was nearly thrown from my saddle in the process!
Within moments my beast had cut her off at the quick and jousted her flat with his large head. The Singer landed flat on her back in the dirt.