How Much Did You See?
."What are you looking at, Kazhuye?" She had that accusing look on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest after turning her back to me and rummaging through my clothing... apparently looking for her clothes. She gave up and put on my shirt. My only other shirt besides the one I was still wearing.
"My shirt... " My gaze snapped right back to her face. "Nothing!" I wasn't starting at her chest! Alright, yes I was.
Clothes made of leather might take... ohhh... about a month to dry. "Do you think you can get them on?" Did she know how... beautiful she was... wearing my shirt??? Evil..evil. I reached down and kind of... tossed her wet things to her. No way in hell I'd go near though, and actually hand them to her. Afterward I turned about face. I expected she'd want a little privacy while changing into them. Or... trying to, anyway.
"How many times.. are you going to say.. nothing? Just let me get dressed and I'll walk home." She paused for a few ehn "Do you think I could.. borrow your clothes?"

"T'zuri... I'm sorry. I saw you... and I didn't mean to." Time for truth while I had my back turned to her. "I think it was an accident." Drunk or not, I was sure she had not meant for me to see her naked. "Do you remember? Anything?" I peeked back, very slightly turning my head to catch but a mere glimpse of her from the corner of my eyes. "You... you don't have to leave."
I wanted her to go. But I wanted her to stay. I've never been so jumbled in all my life. For the first time ever, not knowing what I wanted.
"What did you .. see? I don't remember anything that happened after we got here, Kazhuye."
She caught me peeking, but didn't yell at me.
"Everything?" I turned my eyes back to the wagon wall again. "You drank a lot of paga... for a girl." I let her off the hook with a plausible alibi. Of course. She was just drunk. Didn't know what she was doing. The first woman I'd come even remotely close to... well... nevermind. She didn't remember, and so it was as if it never happened. But how in the world had I wound up curled right beside her in the night?