Run Away With Me

"Come away with me, T'zuri." It is best to just run like hell when you're in that much trouble. A month on the open plains and they'd forget all about her... about us.
"You have nothing to hide. You only helped me, you know.. or did you.. enjoy looking at me when I was naked?"
I had a month off from my outrider patrol duty afterall. I could spend it out on the Plains if I so desired. Who is there to tell me I have to spend it at home inside my wagon? No one. No mama, no wife. Not even Mrs. Cornwall can boss me that way. Even if she does try to nag me a little whenever she gets the chance.
"Well... I'm going anyway." With or without you, girlie girl. And I had everything to hide! Especially if I wanted to get over all these thoughts continually plaguing me... Naked. Boobs. Belly. Thighs. Naked in my furs. Naked inside my clothes. "If you want to stay naked... I mean here!" Shit... hate when those verbal slips happen! Maybe she didn't notice? "You go right ahead."
"You did like seeing me naked, didn't you? That's why you want to leave so badly! Well, you can go Kazhuye.. but I have to stay here."
Ohhh! She was trying to guilt me with shame. And it worked. Strange that! Even though I cannot possibly be the only man alive who likes the way a naked woman looks! Wondering what she feels like; smells like, etc. And here she was dogging me for it too!
I hung my head down. Busted! She doesn't like me anymore. She is disgusted with me. I can tell. And this only furthered my need for some man space. Man time. To do man things. I turned around suddenly and took off running... back to the outer outskirts of the vast Tuchuk wagon camp where my Necessity was tethered near my own wagons.