Into The Great Wide Open...
Out in the great wide open
A rebel without a clue
- Tom Petty -

For a moment, just one split second of time... I was certain the Bead Maker would be trampled to a bloody pulp beneath my Necessity's great and terrible claws. I think in that very same ihn, he too wondered whether it was I who would force him to the deed.
Necessity was out of control by the time I'd managed to pluck the knots loose from his tether. T'zuri had approached right around the same time he reared up high overhead and crashed back down again. But I don't think he was much in the mood for sweet talk. No... he needed to be ridden to the edge of the world and back. I lept up into the saddle just before he reared up again, trying to throw me. Stupid beast! And that's when he turned and charged straight for Sakmeta. I... did not do anything to prevent him from trampling her. I did not tug right or left on his reigns. At least I do not recall whether I did. But at the very last ihn, Necessity jumped and sailed right over her... and we were gone. I never did look back either.