First Offering
"The animals sacrificed, incidentally, are later used for food, so the Omen Taking, far from being a waste of animals, is actually a time of feasting and plenty for the Wagon Peoples..." (Nomads of Gor)
When I rode into the Tuchuk camp high atop my kaiila's saddle, it was to the First Wagon that I made the first stop. There to slit the belly of the great bull bosk who lay slain upon my wagon. His entrails spilled to the ground before the Ubar Fonce's wagon. A gift to see whether the omen is good for the coming omens. It is afterall, the Omen Year. The year in which the tribes of all Wagon Peoples gather together at the Omen Valley so that their haruspexes may read the omens and determine whether a Ubar-San will be elected to lead all of the people as one. It is said that there has not been a Ubar-San in over one hundred years... because the omens are always unfavorable.